How Can We Help You?

We help eBay sellers improve their business every day.

  • Need a Tutorial?

    At the top of each page inside the Rival Ripper App, there is a link that says “Need A Tutorial?“. Click that link and a popup will appear to guide you through the features on that page.

  • Need a New Feature?

    We have a development team that works on new features every day. If you have a suggestion for a new feature or would like to see something added, feel free to send us an email with your requests.

  • Need Support?

    If you need help or have feedback, please contact us using one of the methods below.

Q: How do I cancel, upgrade, or downgrade my subscription?

A: Just visit the billing page to change your plan. All plans are pro-rated to the day. You may cancel, upgrade, downgrade, and/or update your credit card at